Modern life is incredibly demanding and complicated - everyone at certain times in their existence will feel burdened and over-whelmed by not only their feelings and mood, but also their social, cultural, familial, career or gender-based expectations. People often look for therapy when it feels as if it would be helpful to talk to someone professional and neutral, rather than a friend or family, about whatever is on their mind. Beginning therapy can feel daunting and often, it is a big and meaningful step to seek help and begin to put into words what you need support with.

I work with individuals to explore childhood trauma, PTSD, anxiety, abuse, identity, attachment issues, depression, low self-esteem, addictive behaviour, sexuality and many other presentations. My therapeutic approach to each client is flexible and unique according to whom I encounter in the room; each is met without judgement, a core value which underpins my practice. I receive all my clients with an open mind, and with the idea that sometimes really being listened to - acknowledged, heard and understood - can have a profound impact on a person’s emotional well-being. This, alongside a safe and confidential space for self-reflection, and the process of linking past and present experiences with emotional responses, can result in noticeable shifts in behaviour patterns and have a positive and lasting impact on mental health and self-care.

Whilst therapy does not provide simple answers, or offer direct advice, it can help to shed light onto unconscious patterns of behaviour or ways of relating, which may often lie unnoticed. Therapy can also identify where something traumatic has stopped a person from being able to respond appropriately and together we can explore, reflect and begin to process the event, in order to move on from it, to promote change and agency. 

Therapy is given weekly, and where possible, at an agreed same time and day each week. We will discuss whether you have an idea of how many sessions feels appropriate or whether we will work in an open-ended way and have regular reviews of where you are at and what you need.

A 50-minute online, or in person session is £100